Tutorials Mesh

A major advantage of flox-GPU is the ease in handling of raster/grid manipulations compared to the difficult and time-consuming creation/manipulation of high-quality unstructured meshes. Nevertheless, coping with large DTM rasters of millions of cells requires knowledge and tools. This site presents some introductory material and tools for raster creation and manipulation. Beside our own tools, which are freely available, we recommend the use of free QGIS/GDAL, which comes with powerful raster tools.


Introductory slides for raster creation/manipulation (+++ Updated sept. 2018! +++):
einfuehrung_raster_erstellung (German, September 2018)

A video guide for raster creation from vector data using meshmaker:

Quickguide for the use of meshmaker for raster creation from vector data:

Commandline helpers for raster creation/manipulation (+++ Updated sept. 2018! +++):
(we do not take any guarantees or support on this helpers).

  1. sample_shapefile.exe – creation of 3D shapefiles out of 2D shapefils using a DTM raster. Allows for insertion of support-points into lines or polygons.
  2. sample_buildings_roof.exe – creation of 3D buildlings elevated above a DTM raster.
  3. raster_to_points3d.exe – creation of 3D points from DTM raster.